Our July 2020 became available beginning 8AM on Saturday, July 18th 2020. Read below for information on the update on your site!
Designate a cover photo for your feed posts!
Now, your feed post can include a cover image instead of just text. All new feed posts will automatically use the first image attached as a cover photo for the post. With these new images, feeds become much more engaging and allow you to connect with your users in ways that weren’t previously possible.
Adding an image as the cover photo is easy—just attach one or more images using the Attach option when making your feed post.
Release Notes
View our full release notes.
Haven't activated eChalk Guide yet? Get started today!
Check out the new Guide Tutorial to see how easy it is to identify and correct accessibility issues in your eChalk site using Guide. Contact support@echalk.com for a demo of eChalk Guide!