Where To Go
To edit your gradebook categories or grading periods, you will log in to your site and click on the class tile. Click Gradebook.
What To Do
- Click on the title of the class.
- Select a class section.
- The gradebook for that class section will display.
- Click on the Settings button.
- Click on the Edit Categories button to change the name of a category (eg. Homework, Quizes, Extra Credit, etc.) or modify the weight given to that category.
- Rename the category or click the Add Category button to add a new category.
- To display the overall grade in the students' gradebook view, you can check the box next to "Show overall grade in student gradebook view." This allows a student to see calculated overall grade during the course across all grading periods such as the final grade for the course.
- To display just the grading period grades in the student s' gradebook view and not the overall grade, you can check the box next to "Show grading period grades in student gradebook view." This will just show the grades for all assignments for each grading period.
- Click Save.