Where To Go
To add an assessment question click on your class tile > click on Learn
What To Do
- Click on Assessment Title
- Click Questions
- Click New Question
- Choose from:
- True or False
- Enter the amount of points that the question is worth
- Enter question text
- Select if the question is True or False
- Click Create
- Multiple Choice
- Enter the amount of points that the question is worth
- Enter question text
- Select whether to randomize answer order
- Enter answer choices. If the Answer Choice is an image, click on the image icon to upload an image from My Files or Class Resources
- Select if the answer is a correct answer.
- To add more answer choices, click on Add Another Answer
- Click Create
- Ordering
- Enter the amount of points that the question is worth
- Enter question text
- Enter the ordering items
- Click and drag the items entered into the correct order. If the ordering item is an image, click on the image icon to upload an image from My Files or Class Resources
- Click Create
- Short Answer
- Enter the amount of points that the question is worth
- Enter question text
- Click Create
Note: Short Answer questions cannot be auto-graded and must be manually reviewed and graded by the instructor.
- Fill in the Blank
- Enter the amount of points that the question is worth
- Enter question text and insert a _ in your question or statement where the answer should be
- Select whether the answer is case sensitive
- Enter acceptable answer into the field and click on the Add Acceptable Answer button to add more acceptable answers.
- Click Create
- Matching
- Enter the amount of points that the question is worth
- Enter question text
- Enter the correct answer pairs into the fields listed. If the matching items are images, click on the image icon to the answer fields to upload an image from My Files or Class Resources
- To add more matching pairs, click Add Matching Pair
- Click Create
- True or False
Note: Changes made to the master version of an assessment will not be reflected in any copied version of the assessment that's already been assigned.