Now that you've added your DNS entries, you are ready to update the primary domain on your eChalk site. Once your DNS has propagated and your site's primary domain is updated, your new eChalk site will be live!
Where To Go
To change your eChalk site's web address to your own custom domain (for which you've purchased and set up DNS), you will log in to your site and click on the site tile. Then click Manage Web Site > Site Options > Domains.
What To Do
1. Click Add Custom Domain.
2. Enter your domain (i.e. and click Add.
3. If you'd also like visitors to access your site without entering a www before your root domain (i.e., click on Add Custom Domain again and enter your domain without a www. You should now have three domain names listed:
- (default URL assigned by eChalk which cannot be removed)
- (your www domain)
- (your root domain)
4. If your URL has a www then click the three dots next to the www domain and select Set As Primary Domain.
5. Your new eChalk site is live! Congratulations!
Note: The primary domain is the domain that will be used to create the URL's for pages in your eChalk site. Additional domains added to the Domains area of your site but not set as primary may be used to access your site (provided DNS has been configured for each one). If you do not change the Primary Domain, the web site address that displays at the top of your web browser will continue to be the temporary URL for your site.