Our January 2021 release became available beginning 8AM on Friday, January 15th 2020. Read below for information on the update on your site!
Adjust the size of your school or district's logo, title, and motto!
We’ve heard you and are creating options to allow more flexibility with the design of the home
page. One of the most requested items has been to allow for multiple sizes of site logos. We
have introduced new options for logo size as well as the size of the text of the site title and
motto. When using the new tool, you can increase the site logo by roughly 50% or 100% of the
current size, as well as the site name and motto. This can make the logo stand out much more
dramatically and really show off the design in some logos. Larger text works very well for most
sites. If you have a shorter school or district name or want the image to speak more, use smaller
Here are a few examples in the Brochure Theme:
We've enhanced how eChalk Guide detects ambiguous links for visitors using screen reading software.
eChalk Notify
eChalk Notify Join Codes have been updated so they will no longer use confusing letters that might be mistaken for numbers (ie capital O or I and lowercase l).
Release Notes
View our full January 2021 release notes here.
Haven't activated eChalk Guide yet? Get started today!
Check out the new Guide Tutorial to see how easy it is to identify and correct accessibility issues in your eChalk site using Guide. Contact support@echalk.com for a demo of eChalk Guide!
If you have any questions visit Help.eChalk.com or feel free to contact us.