Where To Go
To grade an assignment, you will log in to your site and click on the class tile.
What To Do
1. Click on the class title in the upper left corner and select the class section
2. Click on the Assignments button
3. Click on the assignment
4. Click on a student's name where NOT YET GRADED is listed
5. View the submission entry or download an attached submission to grade.
Note: Although students have the option to upload their assignment electronically, students submitting work on paper can also receive a grade. Just click on NOT YET SUBMITTED > enter a grade > click Save.
6. Enter any comments you have by clicking on the speech bubble on the right and click Post
7. To enter a grade, click on the pencil icon next to the student's name and type in the grade
8. Click Save.
9. Click X in the upper right hand corner to exit the grading screen