Before you can use the bulk tools to manage your users, there is a small amount of prep work that needs to be completed.
I. Specify an external ID for each school within your district
Every school or district that you wish to manage using the bulk tools requires an external ID that is unique within your school system. This is often the Building ID from your SIS, but you can choose whatever you’d like so long as no two schools have the same ID.
Where To Go
To set this external ID for each building, navigate to the school or district you wish to manage, click on Settings.
What To Do
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Edit.
- Add or update the external ID so that it matches the building ID or other identifier for the school or district.
- Click Update.
II. Ensure that each user has an Employee or Student ID
Every user that you wish to manage via bulk management MUST have an employee ID or student ID supplied in their profile. This ID must be unique within your school system. If you created these users without them, you will have to update them manually in order to add their IDs. Any account without an Employee ID/Student ID cannot be managed by the bulk management tools.
Where To Go
To set the Employee ID/Student ID for an account, navigate to the school or district you wish to manage, click on Members > User Admin.
What To Do
- Search for the user and check the box next to their name.
- Click Edit User Info.
- Enter their unique identifier in the EmployeeID/StudentID box.
- Hit Save Changes.